Computer Architecture, Fourth Edition: A Quantitative Approach

Computer Architecture, Fourth Edition: A Quantitative Approach

Computer Architecture, Fourth Edition: A Quantitative Approach
By John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson

If Neil Armstrong offers to give you a tour of the lunar module, or Tiger Woods asks you to go play golf with him, you should do it. When Hennessy and Patterson offer to lead you on a tour of where computer architecture is going, they call it Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4th Edition. You need one. Tours leave on the hour.
Robert Colwell, Intel lead designer

The book has been updated so it covers the latest computer architectures like the 64-bit AMD Opteron as well as those from Sun, Intel and other major vendors ... I highly recommend this book for those learning about computer architecture or those wanting to understand architectures that differ from those they are currently using. It does an excellent job of
covering most of the major architectural approaches employed today.
William Wong, Electronic Design, November 2006

Computer hardware is entering into a new era, what with multicore processing, virtualization and other enhancements Computer Architecture covers these topics and updates the insightful work in the earlier editions that laid out the full range of metrics needed for evaluating processor performance.
Joab Jackson, GCN, November 20, 2006

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