Algorithms - Computer Sciences Textbooks

Algorithms<br />

By Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani

Author's student: By Far The Best Algorithms Book!
As a CS undergrad at UC San Diego, the author used rough drafts of this book to teach the algorithms course I took as a student. Although we also used the Cormen("The Bible") Algorithms book for casual reference, this text is by far better to explain the concepts behind the algorithms. I must say that the author presents the course with this text far clearer and superior than the usual dry mathematicians and the contents of the material reflects his expertise in lecturing and writing. The lucid writing makes it a joy to actually read an algorithms book, and the exercises are definitely worth investigating. This book simply makes algorithms fun!

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Tag : Algorithms , Computer Sciences Textbooks