Discovering Computers 2009: Complete (Shelly Cashman) - Computer Sciences Textbooks

Discovering Computers 2009: Complete (Shelly Cashman)

Discovering Computers 2009: Complete (Shelly Cashman)
By Gary B. Shelly, Misty E. Vermaat

this is the same version of discovering computer 2008 but with just different covers! i mean they both have the same information! the only differnce with this year version is that it has new pictures and thats it.. i feel tooken for becuase i bought this book thinking it will have new information about computer technolgy.. lol i know im reapeating the same thing but seriously if you have discoering computer 2008 theres no reason to get this book

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Tag : Discovering Computers 2009: Complete (Shelly Cashman),Computer Sciences Textbooks