Fundamentals of Database Systems (5th Edition) - Computer Sciences Textbooks

Fundamentals of Database Systems (5th Edition)

Fundamentals of Database Systems (5th Edition)
By Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe

Overall, this is a wonderful book for learning how databases work. It doesn't cover the code for all modern database wonders, but hits most of them. Best of all, it provides psuedo code showing how to implement your own methods. However, I did find errors with some of the code, in particular the sorted-merge join algorithm will miss records if the right-hand-side table has multiple matching fields. It was easy to correct, but a mistake on such a fundamental algorithm is hard to overlook. Worst, Pearson doesn't provide an easy-to-find errata site, so I couldn't report the bug or even see if there were others. Addison-wesley never had that problem. Reading this book will make any DBMS make sense under the hood. Finally, I take point away for wordiness. This books is overcomplicated and wordy and doesn't make itself useful to beginning developers. This book tries to be a history book and reference all in one and it can be overwhelming, even to someone who's written his own DBMS before. Half of the chapters seem like unnecessary chatter, just to take up some more pages to rake up the price . . . and what a price!

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